Practical Accessibility in Web Development

Seite 4: Going Beyond Tooling: Embracing an Accessibility Mindset


In conclusion, the journey towards a more accessible web is an ongoing process that involves consistent effort and attention from web developers. By employing a range of tools and techniques, such as browser extensions, automated testing tools and linters, and integrating accessibility checks into CI/CD pipelines, developers can create more inclusive online experiences. However, it is important to note that automated accessibility testing can only identify 30 to 50 percent of all accessibility issues.

Developing a more profound understanding of accessibility requirements and adopting a mindset that values accessibility as a practice rather than a one-time feature is crucial as we approach the deadlines set forth by the Accessibility Strengthening Act and the European Accessibility Act. The tools and strategies presented in this article serve as pragmatic starting points for developers on this vital journey, but it is essential to keep up with recent updates by checking resources like the A11y Automation Tracker and the Web Accessibility Evaluation Tools List.

Every step taken towards a more accessible web is a step worth celebrating, and together we can make the digital world more inclusive for all. It is important to keep in mind that even though automated tools can provide valuable assistance, a combination of understanding accessibility principles, manual testing, and user feedback will ultimately help create truly accessible and inclusive web applications.

Maria Korneeva
is a Frontend Technology Lead and Google Developer Expert with a focus on Angular. She writes for ng-conf and speaks at tech meetups and conferences. In her tweets and articles, Maria likes to share insights from her daily programming life. Fun fact: She illustrates her stories herself because she loves to draw.