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Indonesia, Vietnam and Singapore: Apple interested in production and research

Ben Schwan
Rendering von Apples neuem Campus in Singapur

Rendering of Apple's new campus in Singapore.

(Bild: Apple)

Apple is continuing its efforts to become more independent of the People's Republic. CEO Tim Cook is also personally taking care of this.

This article was originally published in German and has been automatically translated.

China was once Apple's most important production location. This is still the case today, but the iPhone company is still making every effort to diversify its business - both with its own sites and those of its suppliers. In recent weeks, Apple management has therefore focused on three important regions in Asia: Indonesia, Vietnam and Singapore.

Apple announced last week that there will be a new AI research center in the Ang Mo Kio district of the city state of Singapore [1], in which Apple will invest a total of 250 million US dollars. Singapore is "truly a unique place", said Apple CEO Tim Cook. The teams in the country have already played an important role, and now the company is hoping for "many more decades of innovation". The money will go towards improvements to existing buildings to create a "unified campus" in the style of Apple Park, where all employees will be under one roof. Since 2019, the company has already expanded a Singapore-based "Hardware Technologies Center" by almost half. In 2022, Apple had already acquired two buildings near the existing site and had them renovated. The facility will be powered by 100 percent renewable energy.

Apple CEO Tim Cook was also in Indonesia last week. There he met with the country's president [2], Joko Widodo, among others. They discussed the head of state's desire to bring more production to Indonesia. This is something "that we will look at", said Cook. However, it is unclear whether Apple's manufacturers such as Foxconn will also be involved. However, according to Cook, Apple is already investing in the world's largest Muslim country. "We believe in the country," says Cook.

The Socialist Republic of Vietnam is already an important (secondary) location for Apple. Several of the Group's manufacturers are active here, producing AirPods, but also MacBook parts [3] and other larger products. During a visit by Cook to the capital Hanoi, it was announced that even more money would be invested in the country [4]. According to Cook, 16 billion dollars have already been invested in the supply chain (including its development) in Vietnam since 2019.

"More than 200,000 jobs" have now been created for the population. The company is also ready to expand "cooperation and (our) investment activities", Cook said. One analyst told US broadcaster CNN that Vietnam is "the perfect landing spot for tech companies looking to diversify outside of China". There are numerous well-trained technicians.

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[1] https://www.apple.com/sg/newsroom/2024/04/apple-builds-on-40-years-in-singapore-with-expanded-campus/
[2] https://apnews.com/article/indonesia-apple-tim-cook-jokowi-supply-chain-64670d385fdde4643429b2e76fdb951f
[3] https://www.heise.de/news/MacBook-Air-15-Fertiger-starten-angeblich-Produktion-9061337.html?from-en=1
[4] https://edition.cnn.com/2024/04/18/tech/apple-vietnam-supply-chain-china/index.html
[5] https://www.heise.de/Datenschutzerklaerung-der-Heise-Medien-GmbH-Co-KG-4860.html
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